Friday, 22 June 2012

Get infected by soap....? dafuq.....!!!

Everybody wants to keep clean by washing using soap to keep your hygiene. But do you really think that the soap will always make you clean and protect you from bacteria. Here is the fact..............

The study found bacteria can grow in or near soap dispensers that are repeatedly refilled with pourable liquid soap as these are rarely cleaned. Samples taken from various public bathrooms, school toilets and gym showers found fuzzy mould growing.

Hospitals are safe though as they have long mandated the use of dispensers with replaceable bags or cartridges that contain their own nozzle and are sealed so they can't be contaminated. 

It is important to take note of expiry dates on all soaps as these are organic substances which bacteria can also thrive on.

So, if you ever find your soap smelling sour, throw it out instead of risk getting yourselves infected :)

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