Monday 25 June 2012


Why window to the soul....? A lot of people say, from eyes down to the heart. This statement is not only can be used to express how or why we fall in love to the person. Also, some people say it is first sight love. But my point in today writing is not about love. It is about the eyes. How the eyes involve in communication and what can we understand just by looking at the person's eyes during conversation. Sometimes, we can SPOT THE LIAR, watch the eyes for cues.

From gazing to winking, there is so much that can be expressed with the appropriate eye contact. Eye contact is a primary component of any interpersonal communications and the study of such eye behaviour is called oculesics.

When a person is thinking, they would usually look upwards. It symbolises a person visualising his or her thoughts and hence allows you to communicate concepts better with that person. Humans tend to look upwards and to the left as a natural reflex because we use our right brain to analyse and think logically. But, when a person looks upwards and to the right, this indicates imaginative construction within the mind. Such glances are always associated with betrayal and the telling of lies.

In most cultures, it is rude to sustain long eye contact with another person. We look down when talking with others so as to show respect. This scenario can be observe when a superior is talking to the subordinates. The subordinates look down to indicate submission. They are trying to give the signal to their boss that they pose no threat and also messaging " Please do not hurt me!". Besides, looking down also can be interpreted as a person feeling guilty. Moreover, looking down and to the left indicates a person talking to themselves. But when looking down and to the right, the person experiencing internal emotional turmoil.

The sideways look can be interpreted in so many ways. It is an action to avoid or show boredom towards a topic or conversation, with the most common interpretation being that the person is seeking some distraction. Lateral eye movement can also be interpreted as someone telling lies and projecting shiftiness and the eye movement gives the impression they are looking for an escape route in case their lies are found out. Lateral eye movements also happen when the person is being conspiratorial and they want to ensure no one else is listening in.

Eye contact or lack thereof can clearly be used to give the signal of boredom in interpersonal communication.
Looking away is actually a signal to tell other parties that you are ready to end the conversation, bored of the topics and probably feeling annoyed as the other person talking too much. However, looking away can also be interpreted differently and one example is when women tend to look away as a signal of submission (especially when communicating with someone whom they find attractive).

Glancing or flash look can be used to show a desire for a thing. For example, when you feel hungry you will indirectly glance at food. If you feel ready to leave the place, you would glance at the door to indicate the desire to leave. When you glancing at a person can indicate the interest to communicate with and talk to the person. On of the most usual glancing represent the desire to look at something forbidden. Example, if you notice a sexy lady with a very short miniskirt, men would definitely glance at her as often as they can. like this girl.....??? :)

Saturday 23 June 2012


Hi guys, still remember this song "Hips Don't Lie" by sexy beautiful girl, Shakira. This song used to be a famous song and I bet you all will sing along when listen to this song. I think a lot of girls want to have sexy body like her and every boys dream to have a girlfriend like this. Am I right......? But in this topic I'am not writing about how to have sexy body like Shakira or about Shakira her self :)

Actually, right now I want to write about our hips. Research conducted by the University of North Carolina School of Medicine has found that our hips really do get wider as we get older and it's not simply due to us putting on weight as we get more sedentary with age. The study found evidence that the hip bones can keep growing even as people enter their 70s and such pelvic growth may lead to an increase in waist size as people get older.

The pelvic width of the oldest people in the study ( ages 70-79 ) was on average about an inch larger than the youngest people ( ages 20-29 ) which translate about a three-inch increase in waist size between someone age 20 and someone age 79.

* information taken from OH! Health magazine. 

Friday 22 June 2012

Get infected by soap....? dafuq.....!!!

Everybody wants to keep clean by washing using soap to keep your hygiene. But do you really think that the soap will always make you clean and protect you from bacteria. Here is the fact..............

The study found bacteria can grow in or near soap dispensers that are repeatedly refilled with pourable liquid soap as these are rarely cleaned. Samples taken from various public bathrooms, school toilets and gym showers found fuzzy mould growing.

Hospitals are safe though as they have long mandated the use of dispensers with replaceable bags or cartridges that contain their own nozzle and are sealed so they can't be contaminated. 

It is important to take note of expiry dates on all soaps as these are organic substances which bacteria can also thrive on.

So, if you ever find your soap smelling sour, throw it out instead of risk getting yourselves infected :)